Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA is an online programme aimed at outstanding managers, who hold a master’s degree or equivalent, or have many years of managerial experience and want to enhance their professional practice combining academic rigor and managerial relevance. The goal is to contribute to the state of the art knowledge in their chosen area of study through management research within current and future work settings.

Further information

The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional doctoral degree with an international scope and reputation, designed to enhance executive and professional practice through the application of sound theory and rigorous research into real and complex issues in business and management. It enhances the capability to develop knowledge and theory, and their application. Key to this is a programme to develop personal, consultancy and research skills in the context of rigorous and relevant research.

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Unicaf University Zambia
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Unicaf University gives students located anywhere in the country an opportunity to study for a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree. It takes advantage of its partnerships with internationally recognised universities to offer routes to competitive, internationally accredited programmes at affordable prices.