5 reasons your business should advertise on thebestofzambia.com

Sara Drawwater
6 February 2019
Position your business in front people looking for the products and services you supply.

We’re building the most definitive, efficient and reliable place for people to source what products and services a business offers. We’d love for you to join us.

5 reasons your business should advertise on thebestofzambia.com

1. Get your own mini website on thebestofzambia.com

Your mini website is not so mini! It’s like the online version of the best company profile you’ve ever seen. Your mini website is essential for your business because it has everything customers need to make a buying decision, such as your contact info, photos, prices, products, services and an online shop.

If you don’t have a website, a mini website on thebestofzambia.com solves all the fundamental online marketing needs of your business. If you do have a website, a mini website is another way to market your business and capture an additional audience.

2. Appear in Zambia’s leading Directory and powerful search results

Our directory is like a catalogue of Zambian businesses, but better, and online. Your business is listed on the pages in the catalogue that reflect what you do. For example, a school will be advertised in the primary or secondary school page, or both. Advertising in the directory and appearing in relevant search results is critical for your business because it helps the right people find your business page and buy from you.

3. Sell online in our product Marketplace

The marketplace is like the biggest Zambian shopping mall ever, but online. Being in the marketplace is crucial for the future of your business. Your online shop allows people to view your stock from their phone or laptop, compare products and make purchasing decisions without having to actually visit you. It exposes you to a new pool of customers; who don’t know about you; or are not motivated enough to physically visit your premises.

If you’re not yet ready to sell online, use the Marketplace to showcase your products allowing people to browse and understand your range. And if your business is ready to sell online we’ll manage the whole complicated process for you.

4. Secure your place in the annual printed directory

An annual printed version of the online directory. We believe online marketing is an affordable, scalable and far-reaching solution, but there is definitely still a place for print. It is important for your business because it is used for reference and procurement and is distributed to hotels, airports, exhibitions, schools, cafes and all thebestofzambia.com clients. It is the most accurate and up-to-date printed information about businesses in Zambia.

5. Receive proactive marketing support

This is like having your own marketing assistant. You’re probably overloaded, overwhelmed and frustrated with marketing your business online and it’s challenging to find the skillset, time and financial resource to market your business effectively.

We ease the marketing burden by producing professional marketing messages for you! We advertise your time sensitive marketing messages like your events, news, and offers and we work with you to produce creative content like PR articles.

Our content ranks highly on Google and is distributed to Facebook, Instagram and email subscribers.


So, let’s recap, the top 5 reasons your business should advertise with us are:

  • Get your own mini website on thebestofzambia.com
  • Appear in Zambia’s leading directory and powerful search results
  • Sell online in our product Marketplace
  • Secure your place in the annual printed directory
  • Receive proactive marketing support

That’s a complete marketing system specifically tailored for businesses in Zambia. We’re building the most definitive, efficient and reliable place for people to source what products and services a business offers. We’d love for you to join us.

Advertise your business for 12 months on thebestofzambia.com for just K4,176 (inc VAT) per year. That’s incredible value for those 5 compelling reasons to advertise.

Every day, thousands of consumers use thebestofzambia.com to make buying decisions. Position your business in front of people looking for the products and services you supply.

Explore working with us by starting a conversation with us on our website.

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