Infobwana Blog

A blog about marketing and ecommerce in Zambia — challenges, trends, guides, collections and successes of interest

Are Your Digital Marketing Skills Up to Date?

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
8 days ago
Are any of the skills listed below currently missing from your 2024 marketing arsenal?

Faceless Social Media: Building Your Brand Without Showing Your Face

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
22 days ago
Learn how customer testimonials can build trust and credibility effortlessly, all without showing your face

Don't Let AI Change Your Brand Voice

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
29 days ago
Use AI for what it’s great at - crunching numbers, spotting trends, handling routine tasks, and generating draft content but...

AI Tools for Your E-Commerce Platform: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
about 2 months ago
Using AI tools for your e-commerce platform can make a big difference to small businesses. AI tools help you save time, make more calculated decisions and provide better services to your customers...

Don't be put off by the term 'algorithm'

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
2 months ago
When you understand how algorithms work, you can create content that gets noticed by more people.

The Must-Have AI Content Marketing Tools You're Possibly Overlooking

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
3 months ago
From generating ideas to final edits, these tools can help you create more dynamic, engaging content and connect with your audience in innovative ways...

Using AI Without Losing the Human Touch in Digital Marketing

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
3 months ago
AI has transformed digital marketing, bringing with it benefits like the automation of tedious tasks - but...

The Power of Colour Psychology in Marketing

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
3 months ago
colour is a powerful psychological tool in marketing that can significantly influence consumer behaviour and brand perception

The Digital Dilemma - Social Media vs. Websites

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
5 months ago
Meta, for about two hours, users worldwide encountered error messages instead of content, leaving businesses temporarily disconnected from their audience...

What is Inclusive Marketing?

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
5 months ago
When consumers see their lives mirrored in your campaigns, they’re likelier to feel a genuine connection to your brand...

How Your Social Media Uniform Affects Your Audience

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
5 months ago
all your social media pages look the same is super important. It's like wearing a uniform - it helps people recognize who you are

The Elusive Digital Marketing Ingredient

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
6 months ago
Today's consumers are on the lookout for something unique and real. That's why as a digital marketer, you need to spice things up with creativity, fresh ideas, and a touch of personality.

Have We Covered Your Marketing Topics Yet?

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
6 months ago
As we set up a new list of marketing topics that are relevant to the current times, we invite you to share your thoughts on the topics you'd like us to explore in the coming months...

What is Copywriting?

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
8 months ago
Copywriting comes in various forms, each tailored to specific marketing channels and objectives...

Choosing Between a Social Media Marketer and a Content Creator for Your Business

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
8 months ago
In this article, we'll explore key considerations to help you make an informed decision when hiring someone to run your online marketing activities, tailored to your business needs

Video Marketing for Businesses

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
8 months ago
Humans are naturally drawn to visual content, and videos, with their mix of moving images and sound, create a strong emotional impact...

Common Digital Marketing Myths You Should Leave Behind

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
9 months ago
In today's digital age, using these online spaces is crucial for business growth. However, myths and misconceptions can slow progress and hinder businesses from fully embracing modern marketing strategies

AI-Driven Sales Solutions for Small Businesses

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
9 months ago
Lead generation is the backbone of any business. Small businesses, in particular, may struggle to allocate the time and resources needed for this critical process. AI tools can be a great game-changer

5 Modern Marketing Roles to Have on Your Team

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
9 months ago
As technology and consumer behaviour continue to change, the roles of these marketing experts become increasingly vital in adapting to changing trends and seizing the opportunities presented by the digital age

Top AI Marketing Tools You Should Not Ignore in 2024

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
9 months ago
AI's ability to create personalized marketing campaigns is a game-changer, as it also tailors content to individual preferences, thereby increasing engagement and conversion rates

Using WhatsApp Business for Your Business

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
11 months ago
WhatsApp Business when used correctly can be a versatile tool for businesses aiming to simultaneously boost sales and improve productivity

Addressing Customer Pain Points - The Art of Service Refinement

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
11 months ago
The refinement of a great product is shaped by the voices and needs of consumers. Without consumers, a great product can easily become a forgotten item gathering dust

Job Security In The Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
11 months ago
In order to stay competitive in the job market driven by AI, workers need to be willing to learn new skills and adapt to emerging technologies

Why Social Proof and Testimonials Matter

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
12 months ago
Imagine walking into a coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lures you in. But what convinces you to stay?

Facebook Ads For SMEs In 2023

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
12 months ago
With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a fertile ground for SMEs to reach their target audience, gain brand awareness, and drive remarkable business growth

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
12 months ago
Achieving a successful and impactful blog hinges on two key factors: maintaining a high standard of content quality and upholding a consistent posting schedule.

Understanding Alternative Marketing in 5 Minutes

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
about 1 year ago
Alternative marketing involves any approach that diverges from traditional marketing i.e. print, television, radio marketing etc.

What is Conversion Marketing and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
about 1 year ago
The days of standing on street corners with a megaphone, shouting about your products or services are slowly diminishing. Marketing has come a long way, and conversion marketing is at the forefront of this evolution.

The Unbreakable Connection: How Social Media Impacts Your SEO

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
about 1 year ago
From driving traffic through content sharing and optimizing profile rankings to using social media platforms as search engines and enhancing local SEO efforts, social media is a powerful ally in optimizing your online presence

Man vs Machine: 5 Key Attributes Human Marketers Possess That AI Cannot Replicate - yet

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
about 1 year ago
While AI algorithms offer unmatched computational power and data analysis capabilities, they still need to catch up in several crucial areas