Don't Let AI Change Your Brand Voice

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
28 June 2024
Use AI for what it’s great at - crunching numbers, spotting trends, handling routine tasks, and generating draft content but...

AI is still shaking up the way businesses approach marketing in 2024. Powerful AI marketing tools can sift through mountains of data, automate repetitive tasks, and even tailor messages to individual customers. But amidst all this tech magic, there's something crucial that you can't afford to overlook, and that’s keeping your brand voice authentic and consistent.

Why Your Brand Voice Matters
Your brand voice is like the personality of your company. It’s not just the words you use but how you use them - the tone, style, and the feelings evoked. A strong, consistent company brand voice helps build trust and loyalty with your audience. It makes your brand recognisable and relatable.

AI in Marketing - Friend or Foe?
AI can supercharge your marketing efforts by making things faster, smarter, and more efficient. Think chatbots that handle customer queries instantly, or algorithms that personalise email content for each subscriber. But there's a catch: if not used very carefully, AI can make your brand sound robotic and generic.

The Importance of Consistency
Imagine your favourite brand suddenly changes the way it talks to you. One day they're casual and fun, the next they're formal and distant. It would feel strange, right? So keeping your brand voice consistent across all platforms is essential. Breaking this down further:

Building Trust
A consistent voice helps your customers feel like they know you. Whether they’re reading a social media post, an email, or chatting with a bot, the familiarity builds trust.

Improving Recognition
A unique and consistent brand voice makes your business instantly recognisable. People should be able to tell it's you just by the way you communicate.

Creating Connections
Your brand voice helps you connect with your audience on an emotional level. It’s how you show your brand’s ‘personality’ and your company values.

Using AI Without Losing the Personal Touch

1. Define Your Voice
Be clear about what your brand voice sounds like. Is it playful or serious? Professional or laid-back? Write these guidelines down and share them with everyone in your company, especially those working with AI.

2. Train Your AI
Feed your AI tools with examples of your best content that reflects your brand voice. The better the training data, the more your AI will understand your style.

3. Human Touch
Don’t let AI take over completely. Regularly check AI-generated content to make sure it sounds like you. A little human oversight goes a long way in keeping things authentic.

4. Listen to Your Customers
Pay attention to what your audience is saying. If they notice a change in your voice, they’ll let you know. Use their feedback to tweak and improve.

5. AI as a Helper, Not a Replacement
Use AI for what it’s great at - crunching numbers, spotting trends, handling routine tasks, and generating draft content. Let your human team have the final word, and handle other creative stuff that needs that personal touch.

AI is transforming the marketing game, bringing in efficiency and personalisation like never before. But while AI is a fantastic tool, it shouldn't overshadow what makes your brand special. So, go ahead and embrace AI, but don’t let it dilute your brand’s unique voice.

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