Don't be put off by the term 'algorithm'

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
22 May 2024
When you understand how algorithms work, you can create content that gets noticed by more people.

Social media is a big part of our daily lives, and its algorithms decide what we see online. We're going to unpack what these algorithms do, making it real simple! For business owners, figuring out how these algorithms work can make a big difference in whether their business is popular or not. When you understand how algorithms work, you can create content that gets noticed by more people. It's like learning the rules of a game; once you know how to play, you have a better chance of winning.

How Social Media Algorithms Work

An algorithm is like a recipe that social media platforms use to decide what shows up in a person's newsfeed. These algorithms choose what the person sees based on things such as: how much other people interact with a post (likes, comments, and shares), how new the post is, and how close the person is to the individual, business or page that posted it. For businesses, this means just posting often isn't enough. As a business, you need to make content that people relate to, and want to interact with. Then the algorithm will think it's important and will show it to more people, helping your business achieve its goals.

Why Engagement Matters

The algorithms want to keep people on the platform longer, so they push posts that get a lot of interaction. This means you need to create interesting posts that people want to engage with. Posts that ask questions, have polls, or ask people to comment are great for driving engagement. When people like, comment on, or share a post, it signals to the algorithm that its content is valuable. This helps increase the post's visibility. Also, replying to comments and talking directly with followers can make a business's profile more visible because it encourages even more interaction. The more your business engages with its audience, the higher the chances of catching the eye of others beyond your regular followers.

The Importance of Timing

Posting when your audience is most active is very important. This increases the chances that people will interact with your post right away, which ultimately catches the algorithm's attention. Social media platforms have built-in tools that can help businesses figure out the best times to post content based on when their audience is online. For instance, if most of a business's audience is generally online in the evening, posting at that time can lead to more engagement. This can make a difference in how well a post performs. It's all about being smart with timing to improve visibility.

Building Relationships
Social media platforms prioritize content from accounts that have frequent interaction with users. For businesses, this means they need to build a real connection with their audience. As mentioned above, regularly engaging with followers and making content that is useful, fun, or inspiring helps build these connections and makes the algorithm show your posts more often. And responding to comments and messages promptly helps strengthen these connections. Importantly, over time, this can lead to a loyal following that interacts regularly with your business's content.

Keeping Up with Changes

Social media platforms regularly change their algorithms, which can affect a business's content strategy. It's important to stay up to date on these changes. Following industry blogs, joining relevant forums, and checking the platform's announcements can give you the information you need to adjust your digital marketing strategies. Adapting quickly to these changes will help maintain a business's visibility.

Here are some ways businesses can use algorithms to grow:

1. Mix-Up Content: Use different types of posts (videos, pictures, live sessions) to see what works best.
2. User-Generated Content: Encourage followers to share their own stories about the brand. This builds trust and increases engagement.
3. Use Analytics: Track what kinds of posts get the most engagement and when to post them. This will help to refine your approach.
3. Paid advertising: Sometimes, paying for ads can help reach more people, especially when launching new products or during important times. Each of these strategies can help improve your business's presence on social media.

Understanding social media algorithms isn't just a technical task; it’s a chance to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Social media success is about more than just posting content; it's about engaging with the audience and adapting to changes. In summary, knowing how algorithms work can help you to be more strategic with your social media posts, contributing to your business success.

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