Adam McGuigan on why you should donate to Zambia’s untold stories video campaign

Sara Drawwater
29 November 2013
We have worked with

How did you get involved in the Lusaka Markets Video project?We have worked with Ngosa and the Best of Zambia before and have always been inspired by them. Ngosa jumped right in to help us work on our festival this year too. When she told us about the Lusaka Markets project we thought it was a fantastic initiative and were only too happy to be involved.

Adam McGuigan is involved in the project. Here’s more about Adam and why you should support this project.

What do you currently do?Artistic Director (and dogsbody) at Barefeet Theatre

How did you get involved in the Lusaka Markets Video project?We have worked with Ngosa and the Best of Zambia before and have always been inspired by them. Ngosa jumped right in to help us work on our festival this year too. When she told us about the Lusaka Markets project we thought it was a fantastic initiative and were only too happy to be involved.

Why did you agree to be involved in this video project?Ngosa’s attitude is very mischievous and fun (just like us), and who could say no to that smile?

How have you contributed to the project so far?We appeared in the initial film to help add some drama and spice.

Why do you think we need to take action and create quality videos of Zambian people and places?

It’s time to grab the bull by the horns and show the beauty of what we see everyday. Portraying the vibrancy, colour and charm of what we experience everyday is important! I’m sick of my friends and family back home seeing outdated AID driven portrayals… flies and sick children. Zambia has a so many stories to share with the world! We were happy to see one of them brought to life!

What is your dream for this project?That it can be the start of a series of quirky informative Zambian films, which can help to document our many eccentricities, hidden stories and amazing personalities…

What is your dream for Zambia?A beautiful purpose built Children’s Arts Village! A safe space for young people with incredible facilities, open to all. A place where young people can realise their creative potential and make important work that can challenge and create change. With a beautiful theatre that people can actually use — that won’t charge unreasonable and exclusive rates. With a residential recovery facility where children can come from outside Lusaka who need to get medical attention at UTH but have nowhere for them or their families to stay. The Children’s Arts Village can be a place where artists can have residency and where we can host our annual festival! Next Kickstarter campaign anyone?

Anything else you’d like to add?We need to see more of Ngosa’s wardrobe! That girl has Style! Thanks to all involved in this project, to the Best of Zambia and Purple Tembo for making things happen, which in turn inspires US and other creatives in the country to be better artists and initiators!

Please back the project here.

Thank you for sharing this and donating, Adam

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