Advertise your news more effectively

Sara Drawwater
23 April 2019
Key information to help you advertise your news more effectively

Advertise your news more effectively

Key information to help you advertise your news more effectively

A short news descriptionThis is your opportunity to pitch. The point of a news story is to create good PR (Public Relations). By sharing a good news story about your business you are reminding people of your presence in the market. If people see your business name regularly and are reminded of what you offer, they are more likely to remember you when they need your products or services.

Examples of good PR stories:

  • The arrival of new products
  • The launch of new services
  • Actions you have taken to improve your offering
  • Expansion, growth or partnership stories
  • Training, accreditation or qualifications you or your staff have received
  • Awards you have won
  • New staff joining your team
  • Community work you are involved in
  • Property refurbishments or office moves
  • New websites or social media channels you have launched

Think outside the box about things you have achieved that you can use to remind people about your business and then tell people how the news enhances your products and services. For example, if a team member has just qualified, it could mean your company is the only one able to provide expertise in a specialist topic.

PicturesIt is essential to share a good quality image to illustrate the news. Remember to take pictures using your phone or hire a professional photographer for better quality imagery.

The call to action for your news piece Maybe you want donations for the community work you are doing. Maybe you want people to come and visit your new premises. Whatever it is, if there is any action you want people to take then you must tell them.

Any further information about the news It’s a good time to remind people how they can use your products or information.

Contact informationAdd contact details, social media channels or a website link so people can get in touch when the news story successfully spurs them on to take action.

Share your newsOnce you have your news story, share it via your blog, social media channels like Facebook or websites like

Next time you are promoting a news story, especially if you are sending it to us at, use these tips to help :-)