An African focus in Berlin

Sara Drawwater
17 February 2011
There is a growing feeling that Africa will rise up. Related to the feeling we’re promoting two up and coming events that tie in to the topic of promoting Africa and the recently launched

There is a growing feeling that Africa will rise up. Related to the feeling we’re promoting two up and coming events that tie in to the topic of promoting Africa and the recently launched rebrand Zambia competition.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) have developed the program, Experience Africa, which is hosting the events.

  1. On the 9th-12th of March, 2011, The Rise of Africa — Africa and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism, and International Investment on the African Continent
  2. On the 9th-16th of March, 2011, Cultural Diplomacy in Africa — A Forum for Young Leaders

The Rise of Africa — Africa and the global economy: the future of nation branding, tourism, and international investment on the African continentThe economic challenge facing Africa is unique. Despite a wealth of natural resources, large parts of the continent are underdeveloped and face severe obstacles on their path to growth. Efforts by the international community to support economic and societal development have had, at best, mixed results: A lack of infrastructure, brain drain, political instability, and corrupt practices by actors on both sides have weakened the impact of these efforts. In addition to these challenges, African governments and companies are faced with a changing playing field brought about by the digital revolution, the 24-hour news cycle, the financial crises, and international pressure to combat climate change.

Despite these challenges, progress is being made. The hosting of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, though controversial, was a symbol of the continent’s growing prominence and should have a positive long-term impact on tourism and investment. Micro-finance schemes have provided a unique way of combining philanthropy with profit, and there success can be seen by their recent introduction in developed countries. The changing playing field outlined above also has its benefits, allowing the continent to ‘skip’ technological development stages — such as wired telecommunications. In their efforts to foster stable economic growth, African countries will rely heavily on their ability to attract tourists and external investment. The image of a country abroad, its national brand, is therefore of paramount importance. As was apparent in the run-up to the South African World Cup, African countries will have to work hard to convince the world of their security and stability.

The ICD is holding The Rise of Africa to explore the concept of nation branding, and how African governments, companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it. The Rise of Africa will be held in conjunction with the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011. Register for 195 Euros and find out about transport and accommodation in Berlin.

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa — A Forum for Young LeadersCultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) is a network of young, dynamic individuals from across the world, who share an interest in the African continent. The program is based on the recognition that cultural diplomacy represents an important tool in helping Africa to address the challenges it currently faces. The network conducts ongoing activity aimed at supporting development and strengthening relations between different countries and cultural groups within Africa, and between African and external partners. Read more…

The program is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world. Register for 195 Euros and find out about transport and accommodation in Berlin.

On a side note, you can buy the t-shirt if you like!

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