Email Marketing Made Simple

Eddie Mutema
Inside Infobwana
9 February 2023
The first email marketing blast was sent in 1978. It is said that his email blast was sent to 400 recipients as a promotion for his company's computers, and it actually resulted in over $10 million in sales!

Simple definition: Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. Email marketing is a crucial tool for companies of all sizes because it provides a quick and affordable approach to developing client relationships. Businesses may maintain contact with clients and keep them informed about new goods, services, deals, and promotions by using email marketing. Customers become more loyal as a result, which boosts repeat business. Email marketing provides detailed tracking and analytics information which can be used to aid marketing decisions and fine-tune campaigns for optimum effectiveness.

Fun fact: The first email marketing blast was sent in 1978. The sender was a man named Gary Thuerk who worked for Digital Equipment Corp. It is said that his email blast was sent to 400 recipients as a promotion for his company's computers, and it actually resulted in over $10 million in sales!

How to do it: Title, Text, and Call to Action. The finest emails are focused and tailored to persuade the recipient to do a particular action. It's also simpler to read your emails when they include clear, concise information. Another crucial component is timing and frequency. Any email marketing strategy should concentrate on choosing the peak hours when your target audience is most likely to open emails.

What about spam? Spam is any unwanted, uninvited digital message that is distributed in large quantities. Spam is frequently transmitted by email, but it can also be shared via text messages, phone calls, and social media. Your mailing list members will become tired and unsubscribe if you are sending them too many emails. Maintaining your mailing list and building a devoted audience of supporters and potential customers who eagerly await your newsletters is the objective.

In conclusion, email marketing is essential for staying connected with existing customers while reaching out to new ones - allowing businesses to deliver their message directly into the inboxes of their intended audience. Whatever your marketing goals are, getting your message across to several people at once is all made possible through email marketing.