Excitement for young Zambian entrepreneurs: The Global Entrepreneurship Week

Sara Drawwater
11 November 2011
For one week, every year in November, millions of young people around the world come together to join a growing movement of entrepreneurial people for the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). The…

For one week, every year in November, millions of young people around the world come together to join a growing movement of entrepreneurial people for the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). The Global Entrepreneurial Week is the world’s largest celebration of innovators and job creators, who launch start-ups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. This year, 112 countries and over 10 million people are expected to participate in the Global Entrepreneurship Week from the 14th — 20th November, 2011. During this week, Zambia will join the rest of the world in connecting young people across the country through local, national and international activities. This event will help young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and networks needed to grow innovative, sustainable enterprises that have a positive impact on their lives, their families and communities.

Last year Zambia was one of the 100 countries across the world that participated in this event under the theme “Unleashing Ideas”. Zambia’s Global Entrepreneurship Week activities attracted over 1000 participants. This is certainly an indication of the hunger in young Zambian people, to explore their potential as self-starters and innovators.

This event is particularly important for Zambia, which has over the years recorded an alarming rate of high unemployment statistics. The activities that take place during the GEW aim to inspire entrepreneurial activity as a career path, connect networks across national boundaries, mentor young entrepreneurs and engage young people in fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem. There are large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings that connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors — introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week offers many exciting awards such as fund sourcing for the best realistic business or workable business ideas, and a trip to San Francisco, California for the individual or team with the top clean tech idea in each country. All finalists will attend a VIP reception and present their pitch to a live audience of 2,500 clean technology experts, investors and enthusiasts, as well as press from around the world. A global winner will be selected and awarded at least $100,000 worth of start-up services from seasoned clean tech experts.

All are encouraged to participate, from students, to educators, to entrepreneurs and more. The general public and private business sectors are invited to take part in any activities that may contribute to promoting a culture of entrepreneurship and self reliance for a better Zambia. This event will not only benefit young entrepreneurs, but will also promote sponsoring or partnering institutions, who will have the opportunity to exhibit or promote their activities, services and programmes. There are also advertising opportunities during and prior to the events.

If you are taking part in any way, do share your experiences. Read more about the GEW here.

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