Growing international interest in up and coming Agritech Expo, Zambia

Sara Drawwater
3 March 2016
The excitement and interest in the up and coming

The excitement and interest in the up and coming Agritech Expo in April is brewing. There is no denying that agriculture is an important sector in Zambia and Rene Lourens, Commercial Manager of Livestock Services hopes, “To play a key role in the shift from copper mining to agriculture.”

Visit the German pavilion at Agritech Expo 2016

‘Made in Germany’ will make a big impression at the third annual Agritech Expo in Chisamba this April. The German pavilion will house 16 German providers of agri machinery and livestock equipment will be part of the German pavilion, almost double compared to last year. The German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, H.E. Mr Christian Schmidt was amongst the VIP visitors at Agritech Expo 2015, a sure sign of how important the expo is for the German Ministry. The 2015 expo is owned by the Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) and also hosted Zambian President Edgar Lungu, Zambia’s Vice President, Mrs Inonge Wina and the Zambian Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, H.E. Mr Given Lubinda.

Martin Botzian, Head of communication at DLG International GmbH, says the Zambian agricultural sector is exciting for German companies for a number of reasons and has lots of potential benefits for Zambia.

“The country has a stable policy environment, which means the government supports the agricultural sector and commercial farming. Farmers are willing to invest. Zambia is a good place to grow crops and there is enough fresh water for irrigation. Cattle also provide beef and dairy products for the population. Processing the raw crops has huge potential. The commercial farming in Zambia will generate enough surplus food to export to Zambia’s neighbours. By starting to commercialise the agricultural land you increase food security, prevent mass migration out of the country into the city and create businesses that add value at a local level to reduce poverty.”

Mr Botzian says, “The Agritech Expo will play an important role as a reliable partner for German and international exhibitors in the future” and wants Zambian and German organisations to work together and grow it together. Read more of an exclusive interview with Mr Botzian by clicking here. The “made in Germany” products that will be on display on the German pavilion will include:

  • Animal housing installations and identification
  • Silos
  • Consultation
  • Planning and building of dairy facilities
  • Dung removal systems
  • Cattle breeding and marketing
  • Crop protection
  • Mixers and pumps
  • Silage bags
  • Slat flooring
  • Poultry equipment
  • Modern farming
  • Agricultural machinery

Many other international exhibitors and visitors

Last year there were exhibitors from 29 countries in Africa, America, Europe and the Middle East. This yer will be no different because international players exhibiting at the Agritech Expo this year include 10 Zimbabwean companies and organisations from United Arab Emirates, United States of America and UK.

Rene Lourens, Commercial Manager of Livestock Services, a returning gold sponsor to Agritech Expo describes the Zambian agricultural sector as exciting for international companies because of its, “Diversity, low barriers to entry and almost immediate results.” Read more of an exclusive interview with Rene Lourens by clicking here.

Agritech Expo 2016 details

The upcoming Agritech Expo is expected to welcome 15,000 farming professionals, from emerging, small holder and right through to commercial farmers, as well as a host of agri experts. It will take place at the GART Research Centre in Chisamba, an important farming hub in Zambia, from 14–16 April. Find out more on the Agritech Expo website.