How to effectively advertise your events, offers and news

Sara Drawwater
24 July 2015
The key point is that you must include the facts people need to make a decision to participate or engage in what you’re offering. Your job is to make people’s lives as easy as possible! Tell them…

Over the years we’ve advertised many events, special offers and news for Zambian businesses. We’ve identified the kind of information that’s needed to make it easy for people to buy into your events, offers and news. So we’ve put together this guide to help you create awesome promotions which achieve great results.

The key point is that you must include the facts people need to make a decision to participate or engage in what you’re offering. Your job is to make people’s lives as easy as possible! Tell them everything they need to know in a quick, simple and easy to read layout. Whether you’re advertising on websites, social media channels like Facebook or in magazines and newspapers, include the following key information for a more effective campaign.

Key information that will advertise your event more effectively

A short event description

This is your opportunity to pitch. Write a message that will appeal to people. For example, the pitch for a business event, entertainment event or children’s event will be very different. Explain what the event offers. Create a feeling of excitement. Make people feel like they are going to miss out if they don’t attend. Remember to include any unique information they might need. For example, special guests that may appeal to them and time tables that can help them plan the specifics of their visit.

Event date(s)

Obviously, tell people when it is! If the event is on multiple days, remember to include this.

Event times

People need to know when your event starts and ends. It’s surprising how many events we receive that tell people the date, but not the time! And remember to make sure you deliver on this. Start on time. End on time. People want to know that you respect them. If you respect their time they are more likely to feel positive about your business.

Event location

People must quickly be able to see what town your event is in. If your customer is in Kitwe when an event is in Lusaka, they can quickly eliminate that event from their mind. Or if it is really good and relevant to them they can decide if it is worth travelling to that event.

Venue details

People need to know the actual venue. If the venue is difficult to find, include a map. Give a description of what it is nearby or how to get there.

Entry fee

Remember to tell people if it’s free! Otherwise include all pricing information. Remember things like early bird booking discounts, group discounts, children go free and all the details that will help them make a buying decision.

The call to action for your event

Tell people how to buy the tickets! Is it on the door? Do they need to purchase in advance? If so, where can they do this? Can they book online or by telephone reservation? When you plan an event, remember to make it easy for people to buy the tickets. If people have to travel across town and then have to wait two hours they may well give up halfway! Calling a number to make a reservation, or booking online, are simpler ways for them to buy from you. Having these options available may make a world of difference to the numbers you attract.

Any further information about the event

Depending on the event, a contact name and number may be useful. Or consider sharing a link to a website or Facebook channel for further information.

Key information that will advertise your special offers more effectively

A short special offer description

This is your opportunity to pitch. Get people enthusiastic about the products or services that are discounted on special offer. People need to understand the benefits, get excited and feel a sense of urgency. You want to make people feel that if they don’t take up the special offer, they will miss out.

Offer details

Briefly but clearly describe the offer details. State who qualifies. Tell them what they need to do to qualify. Is it a simple discount, or ‘buy one get one free’ or ‘buy two and get the cheapest item free’? The simpler the offer and the easier it is for people to make use of it, the better results you will get.

Offer period

Tell people how long the special offer is on for. This will help them take appropriate action in good time. Make sure people know the special offer will end soon and they had better take action quickly. A message like ‘while stocks last’ is a classic example of ensuring people act quickly.

The call to action for your special offer

Tell people how to claim the offer! Do they need to visit you in-store? Do they need to cut out a voucher? Do they need to remember an offer code? Tell people what you want them to do with your special offer.

Any further information about the offer

Depending on the offer, a contact name or number may be useful. For example, if your offer is a ‘while stocks last offer’, people may want to call to check if you have stock before they come in. Or if your special offer is for a high priced item, people may want to read more about the product before they take the time to visit you in store. So consider sharing a link to a website or Facebook channel for further information.

Key information that will advertise your news more effectively

A short news description

This is your opportunity to pitch. The point of a news story is to create good PR (Public Relations). By sharing a good news story about your business you are reminding people of your presence in the market. If people see your business name regularly and are reminded of what you offer, they are more likely to remember you when they need your products or services.

Some examples of good PR stories are:

  • The arrival of new products
  • The launch of new services
  • Actions you have taken to improve your offering
  • Expansion, growth or partnership stories
  • Training, accreditation or qualifications you or your staff have received
  • Awards you have won
  • New staff joining your team
  • Community work you are involved in
  • Property refurbishments or office moves
  • New websites or social media channels you have launched

Think outside the box about things you have achieved that you can use to remind people about your business.

The call to action for your news piece

Maybe you want donations for the community work you are doing. Maybe you want people to come and visit your new premises. Whatever it is, if there is any action you want people to take then you must tell them.

Any further information about the news

It’s a good time to remind people how they can use your products or information. Add contact details, social media channels or a website link so people can get in touch if your PR story has spurred them on to take action and buy from you.

Next time you are promoting an event, special offer or news story, especially if you are sending it to us at, use this guide to help you! So, here’s to super successful events, offers and news stories :-)