Intimately Wild

Sara Drawwater
20 March 2010
Imagine waking up to the smell of a good strong cup of tea as you stretch sleepily from your comfortable bed and allow the golden stream of sunshine seeping stealthily into your room to gently caress…

Imagine waking up to the smell of a good strong cup of tea as you stretch sleepily from your comfortable bed and allow the golden stream of sunshine seeping stealthily into your room to gently caress you. As you yawn contently, you hear the bathroom door creak open and, with a look of surprise that quickly turns into one of pure horror, you watch in stunned silence as a lion calmly walks out, shakes out its mane and walks out of the room.

Breath! We are only imagining, remember! While the possibility of waking up to a lion invasion in your home is thankfully quite unlikely, the chance to get up close and personal with some of Africa’s wild animals is something that’s getting more and more popular in Zambia through the walking safari experience.

Zambia is one of the few countries in which you can walk through big game territory. With expert guides to walk you through the untouched African bush, walking safaris offer you the unique and unforgettable experience of feeling part of the surroundings, sensing the sounds and smells of the wild personally and viewing game in their natural habitat — hippo, elephant, giraffes and even lions if you get lucky!

If you squirm while watching lions hunt on the National Geographic channel then you will do well to stay in the comfort of your own home! This one is for the serious adrenalin junkies! Without the safety and distance that a vehicle offers, your best bet is to trust your guide completely. But you have nothing to worry about as Zambian guides are renowned world over for their expert knowledge of the wild and are fully armed and trained to deal with any eventuality.

To experience a walk on the wild side in this unforgettable manner, you have a choice of destinations in Zambia — South Luangwa National Park, Kafue National Park and Lower Zambezi National Park. South Luangwa gave birth to the first walking safaris in the country. Covering an area of over 900sq kilometres it offers 600 different animal species and over 400 different bird species. In contrast, in Kafue National Park to the north west, visitors will find vast grassland plains and unique ecosystems covering an area of 22,500 square kilometres, with species such as lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhino, cheetah and the unique Kafue lechwe. Lying opposite the famous Mana Pools Reserve in Zimbabwe, the Lower Zambezi National Park is an untouched wilderness where the nearby Zambezi River acts as a magnet for wildlife.

And don’t for a minute think you will have to rough it through these kinds of safaris! These national parks are also home to some of the best top-notch safari lodges where you can return to heroic feasts and royal treatment after your great adventure.

See our website for more detailed information!

Posted by Nambeye Katebe 20/03/10