Jacqueline Hunter on why you should donate to Zambia’s untold stories video campaign

Sara Drawwater
19 November 2013
We are running a

We are running a Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds so a group of Zambians can make quality footage of Zambia. Read more on the launch blog.

The Lusaka Markets video is the first in a series. So far the campaign has raisedZMW 3,720 / $669 / £415 from four backers. We have 11 days to go and ZMW 13,761 / $ 2,475 / £1,535 left to raise. You can help in two ways:

1. Share this project with your network. The more people hear about this, the more likley we are to hit the target.

2. Back the project, by donating anything, no matter how small, or how big! Everything helps towards achieving this goal.

Jacqueline Hunter is involved in the project. Here’s more about Jacqueline and why you should support this project.

What do you currently do?I’m a videography and software development intern at Bongohive, a technology innovation hub in Lusaka Zambia.

How did you get involved in the Lusaka Markets Video project?Through an enthusiastic young lady that told me about the project, Ngosa.

Why did you agree to be involved in this video project?I agreed because I saw it as an opportunity to have my country’s beautiful environment (for lack of a better word) shown to the world, as we see it.

Lusaka Markets VideoEdit descriptionwww.kickstarter.com

Why do you think we need to take action and create quality videos of Zambian people and places?Tricky question. I say we need this country to be publicised in a different light from that of the media — being news during only catastrophes and the like. Its a beautiful country and it’s people are too, so we should show it to the world as such.

What is your dream for this project?That it becomes a massive success and both local and international people benefit from it.

What is your dream for Zambia?My dream for Zambia is to have a mind set change, so its people may be more open minded, especially to things relating to technology.

Anything else you’d like to add?Well, only that we should forge ahead and support each other to make this project go the places it deserves.

Please back the project here.

Thank you for sharing this and donating, Jacqueline

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