Lusaka Markets #ZedVideoProject launches

Sara Drawwater
25 November 2014
Thanks to Kickstarter, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Lusaka Markets Video! You can read this #ZedVideoProject fund raising story

Thanks to Kickstarter, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Lusaka Markets Video! You can read this #ZedVideoProject fund raising story here and here. We take full responsibility for the delay in the launch and sincerely apologise for the time it has taken. We received the completed video towards the end of September and then had to carry out some edits. You can view the final version by clicking the play button below.

This video was made possible by some very special backers

We especially thank two major sponsorsTwo proudly Zambian companies donated £500 (nearly K5,000 each). Without your two donations we would not have had a successful Kickstarter campaign so we are especially grateful to you:

  • DayBreak Butchery Kafue Road (major sponsor)
  • Sandy’s Creations (major sponsor)

Eight individuals donated £100 (nearly K1,000 each)

Three individuals donated £50 (nearly K500 each)

26 other individuals also donated to the cause and without each and everyone of you we could not have produced the Lusaka Markets Video.

Thank you.