Nkhani Kulture –The Next Big Thing!

Sara Drawwater
14 April 2010
There I was, strolling about the office minding my own business. Well, not really. I was actually browsing through my supervisor’s collection of magazines, when I SAW IT! Imposing, sleek, eye…

There I was, strolling about the office minding my own business. Well, not really. I was actually browsing through my supervisor’s collection of magazines, when I SAW IT! Imposing, sleek, eye-catching and arrogantly demanding my full attention, it was almost impossible to resist it. (I’m sticking to this version, in case my supervisor reads this blog!) So I gave in, and carefully flipped through this strangely hypnotising magazine and several minutes later (okay, okay, so maybe it was a couple of hours later!) I was genuinely surprised to discover that this brilliantly written, exciting and stylish magazine was 100% Zambian!Nkhani Kulture magazine may be new on the block but it’s definitely making waves! A product of Inzy photography, a highly recognised and respected Lusaka based photography agency, Nkhani Kulture is a magazine with a brilliant mix of current trends, fashion, fun, entertainment, that at the same time manages to offer reflections on serious topics that are relevant to Zambians and Africans as a whole, with a particular focus on culture.

Nkhani means stories in the local languages and this magazine attempts to bring stories from the African community to inform and entertain and I must say, they definitely hit the mark. For example ‘Zambia Media Oxymoron’, ‘Fashionably Zambian’, ‘Cactus agony’, ‘The Zambian Diaspora’, ‘Kaajal Vaghela’, ‘Child Soldiers “Play and Hustles”’ etc. etc. What’s amazing about this magazine, apart from the really professional look and skilful photography, is that while it is geared to reach out to the sophisticated young it does not leave out the older generation and literally anyone can sit down to a good read. There’s definitely no need to read this one from beneath a blanket, your only fear would be that once grandma gets a peek, you’ll have to wait an hour before you see it again!Cutting edge and breaking new ground, Nkhani Kulture is finally the Zambian magazine that can be seen in bookshops and on bookshelves internationally and hold its own.

Well, I’m off to make sure I put that “borrowed” copy back where found it! You can get your own copy of Nkhani Kulture from main bookshops and magazine outlets in Zambia. Find out more about the creators of this remarkable magazine from their website! The Best of Zambia loves this initiative and you can see their new advert on our site.

Posted by Nambeye Katebe