Not feeling well? Are you sick? Or just thirsty?

Sara Drawwater
9 August 2013
I want you to imagine that I came to your house today and we had a wonderful breakfast together. Afterwards we put the dishes aside. We continued catching up, then had a lovely lunch together. Again…

This week we are excited to introduce our “Fitness Friday” blog series. On selected Fridays, we will be sharing articles that cover the topics of health and fitness. Our first article is a submission by Juanita Pretorius from Riverview Wellness Centre covering a topic we think is an important first step for anyone who wants to get healthy!

I want you to imagine that I came to your house today and we had a wonderful breakfast together. Afterwards we put the dishes aside. We continued catching up, then had a lovely lunch together. Again we put the dishes aside. After spending the afternoon together we had supper together. Once more we put the dishes aside.

Now at the end of the day I come to you with one cup of water and ask you to wash the accumulated dishes from the entire day. Could you do it? With one cup of water?

We cannot even clean our dishes for the day with one cup of water. How do we expect to keep the inside of this wonderful machinery, the human body, functioning with so little water? In one study the risk of colon cancer was reduced by 45% in woman and 32% in men who drank 4–5 glasses of water per day. Two other studies showed a protective effect against rectal cancer of 92% and colon rectal of 42%. It was shown that an intake of 2.5 litres or more of water per day was associated with a 51% reduction in the risk of bladder cancer.

Water intake not only reduces the risk of getting cancer but blood pressure too. One of the manifestations of dehydration is hypertension. As explained by Dr Batmanghelidy in his study, 8–10 glasses of water per day are the minimum requirement.

There is a lot more that can be mentioned about the healing properties of water. If you would like to know more, or if you have a specific problem, the Riverview Wellness Centre would like to encourage you to contact them for assistance and advice. Find these details on our Riverview Wellness Centre webpage.

If you missed previous Fitness Friday blogs, you can view them all here