Our Business is Marketing your Zambian Business

Sara Drawwater
6 February 2015
The Best of Zambia has a mission. This is the same as many other companies: to maximise its value. But in our view, our most valuable asset isn’t our product, or our branding, or even our team — it’s…

The Best of Zambia has a mission. This is the same as many other companies: to maximise its value. But in our view, our most valuable asset isn’t our product, or our branding, or even our team — it’s our clients.

Maximising the value of our clientsIf in everything we do we can improve the value our clients get by what we do for them, by the service we provide, by the experience and exposure we give them, by the brand building we do for them, then we know that we are on the right track. So then the mission of the Best of Zambia is to help maximise the value of our clients through the work we do in marketing them online.

The most successful companies succeed because they excel during each stage of their customers’ experience: they excel in acquiring new buyers, they excel in growing the lifetime value a customer brings to the business and they excel in converting the customers into champions or advocates of the business. When a client signs up to The Best of Zambia, our goal is to help our clients achieve this. We want our clients to succeed. The success of our clients is our success.

A client’s brandAs an online marketing company in Zambia we become the stewards of each of our client’s customer journey and build a bond with their customers wherever they are, on behalf of our clients. We direct a client’s customers to quality content about them. By being on the Best of Zambia our client is branded. We give a client’s customers an opportunity to make buying decisions. This can translate into an enquiry by email or phone, noting contact details, but most importantly by customers becoming aware of our client’s brand.

Spreading like wildfireRecognise that in today’s digital world, buyers are more empowered than ever. This phenomenon is spreading like wildfire across Zambia. The internet gives buyers instant “information gratification” — they can access detailed specs, pricing, and reviews about goods and services 24 hours a day, with a few flicks of their thumbs. Social media encourages them to share and compare, while mobile devices add a “whenever and wherever” dimension to every aspect of the customer experience.

All of this means that your customers are forming opinions and drawing conclusions well before they choose to interact with representatives from your company. Decision-making is no longer confined to the showroom floor, or even to your company’s website. That’s why it’s our business at the Best of Zambia to become the stewards of the customer journey and build a bond with customers wherever they are — whether that means engaging on social media, presenting a unified experience across devices, or personalising content and communications.

Engagement marketingAll this is easier said than done, which is why we’ve developed a strategy for you — a strategy that we call “engagement marketing.” We work very hard at ensuring the information on the site is correct and up to date. This means that your potential customers build up trust in the Best of Zambia. When one of your potential customers comes to the Best of Zambia website, we want them engaged with the site by browsing, we want them to be enthralled by the design, by a user experience that leaves them excited. This will make them come back for more. This will mean we are being successful at marketing our clients and their products and services. We will be achieving our goal of maximising the value of our clients.

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