#PointAndPose competition sponsor profile — an interview with Collins Chigali of Longview Lodge

Sara Drawwater
24 March 2014
The current prize up for grabs in the #PointAndPose competition is a weekend stay at

The current prize up for grabs in the #PointAndPose competition is a weekend stay at Longview Lodge and two signed books by Chisanshi K Malama. This interview with Mr Collins Chigali of Longview Lodge and Che-Joy Hospitality Consultants gives you an opportunity to get to know more about Longview Lodge.

Take part in the #PointAndPose competition to win a weekend stay at Longview Lodge and two signed books! Here is how to enter the competition.

How did you hear about the Best of Zambia competition and what were your thoughts about it?Through an e-newsletter from the Best of Zambia.

Why did you decide to become a sponsor for the Best of Zambia competition?To partner with one of the best marketing platforms in the country so that we may reach new clients through associating our brand and products with best of Zambia.

Tell us what kind of experience winners will enjoy at your lodge?The winner will get a weekend stay that includes bed and breakfast. They will have free access to our wireless internet, to the swimming pool and the gardens. They can also use the lodge grounds such as the restaurant and bar.

What sets Longview Lodge apart from other lodge destinations in Zambia?Our professional staff are taught to always uphold our principal service tagline, “the art of meeting your highest expectations.” This is what we live by, always putting our clients first. We also acknowledge that without our clients we would not have jobs and therefore, all our commitment goes in to satisfying our valuable clients.

Have you ever had a difficult experience with a guest visiting your lodge and how did you handle it?We a serve a lot of clients from diverse cultures and different backgrounds. As expected there are some isolated incidents of dissatisfaction. We frequently train our staff to always politely and attentively, listen to the client and inform them of the next course of action to resolve the matter. Often the art of listening helps one understand and this often resolves the situation. Staff also take notes and refer to management for support and guidance if necessary. All our staff have been trained to respect every clients needs and provide an alternative solution in the event that their need is not within our reach.

Share your most memorable positive experience of a guest at your hotel?We recently held a wedding while we were temporarily renovating the lodge. With this added challenge, the family were skeptical about our ability to successfully handle the event. But they were all pleasantly surprised that we went beyond the standard expectations. This is what we strive for.

Longview Lodge is a member of The Best of Zambia website. Why did you sign on to the Best of Zambia and what has your experience with us been like?To help advertise our lodge and raise our profile. Our membership has resulted in many enquiries and bookings.

What are your plans for the hotels in the next few years?To be consistent with our service standards, build a website, build more rooms and a bigger conference hall.

Take part in the #PointAndPose competition to win a weekend stay at Longview Lodge and two signed books! Here is how to enter the competition.

Please note that Longview Lodge is managed by Che-Joy Hospitality Consultants and Management.

The #PointAndPose Competition brings you four fantastic weekly giveaways thanks to the following Best of Zambia members and sponsors: