#PointAndPose to win a weekend at Chrismar Hotel Lusaka and a year’s supply of Lynx juices

Sara Drawwater
26 March 2014
Yesterday was the second prize draw of the #PointAndPose competition. We’re excited to announce that the winner of the free stay at

Announcing the winner Yesterday was the second prize draw of the #PointAndPose competition. We’re excited to announce that the winner of the free stay at Longview Lodge and the two signed books by Chisanshi K Malama is James Tumba! There are two more prizes to give away so make sure you take part and you could win too… The next set of prizes For this third set of give away’s we have a weekend stay at Chrismar Hotel Lusaka and a year’s worth of Lynx Juices! Your prize includes accommodation and breakfast at Chrismar Hotel Lusaka AND a whole case of Lynx juices for every single month of the year! Lynx juices come in four flavours — Lynx Guava Juice, Lynx Mango Juice, Lynx Pineapple Juice and Lynx Orange Juice perfect to have in the home for the family and for entertaining.

How to enter the competition

3 easy steps to enter and win this week’s prize! #PointAndPose

  1. ‘Like’ us — facebook.com/thebestofzambia (so we can contact you if you win)
  2. Find a business with a Best of Zambia membership sticker. Full list of participating businesses here.
  3. Take and upload a photo to thebestofzambia facebook page/wall

All 400+ Best of Zambia members have been issued with thebestofzambia.com membership stickers. Most have chosen to publicly display these stickers — you’ll spot them in places like shop windows and reception areas. So keep an eye out and when you spot a sticker, it’s time to point and pose (#PointAndPose)! Take a picture that captures you, the sticker and your venue surroundings. The picture is proof of your find. To inspire you, here are some example #PointAndPose ideas done by our team members Nambeye and Inonge.

Here’s an example of your photo post on our wall:

Increase your chances of winning by entering multiple pictures from different businesses

You can enter as many different pictures of you at different sticker locations. Every time you successfully submit a picture (following the steps above), your name will go in for the draw. Every entry increases your chances of winning! You can treat the competition like a treasure hunt and use thebestofzambia.com website to discover members. Then go and have a look for their membership stickers. Full list of participating businesses here. All the best and hope to see you at the finish line! See the full terms and conditions. The #PointAndPose Competition brings you four fantastic weekly giveaways thanks to the following Best of Zambia members and sponsors: