Running an event? Get the word out

Sara Drawwater
23 April 2019
Key information that will advertise your event more effectively

Running an event? Get the word out

Key information that will advertise your event more effectively

A short event descriptionThis is your opportunity to pitch. Write a message that will appeal to your target audience. For example, the pitch for a business event, entertainment event or children’s event will be very different. Explain what the event offers. Create a feeling of excitement. Make people feel like they are going to miss out if they don’t attend. Remember to include any unique information they might need. For example, special guests that may appeal to them and time tables that can help them plan the specifics of their visit.

PicturesIt’s a good idea to have event artwork, like a poster to help attract attention. If you run similar events on a regular basis then remember to take pictures using your phone or hire a professional photographer for better quality imagery. Pictures or posters will help bring the concept of your up and coming event to life.

Who is the event for?Sometimes you may want to include a separate section to describe what type of people are a good fit for the event. Exhibitions, training and networking events often include information to describe the people that will get the most out of the event.

Event date(s)Obviously, tell people when it is! If the event is on multiple days, remember to include this.

Event timesPeople need to know when your event starts and ends. It’s surprising how many events we receive that tell people the date, but not the time! And remember to make sure you deliver on this. Start on time. End on time. People want to know that you respect their time. When you do, they are more likely to feel positive about your business.

Event locationPeople must quickly be able to see what town your event is in. If your customer is in Kitwe when an event is in Lusaka, they can quickly eliminate that event from their mind. Or if it is really good and relevant to them, they can decide if it is worth travelling to that event.

Venue detailsPeople need to know the actual venue. If the venue is difficult to find, include a map. Give a description of what it is nearby or how to get there.

Entry fee Remember to tell people if it’s free! Otherwise include all pricing information. Include things like early bird booking discounts, group discounts, VIP options, children go free… and all the details that will help them make a buying decision.

The call to action for your eventTell people how to buy the tickets! Is it on the door? Do they need to purchase in advance? If so, where can they do this? Can they book online or by phone? When you plan an event, make it easy for people to buy the tickets. If people have to travel across town and then have to wait two hours they may give up halfway! Calling a number or booking online are simpler ways for them to buy from you. Having these options available may make a world of difference to the numbers you attract. Remember that giving one clear call to action is often better. Giving multiple calls to action can confuse people and result in inaction.

Any further information about the event Consider sharing a link to a website or Facebook channel for further information.

Contact detailsDepending on the event, a contact name and number may be useful.

Next time you are promoting an event, especially if you are sending it to us at, use these tips to help!