Stress management: How to beat lifestyle stress

Sara Drawwater
6 September 2013
Welcome to Fitness Friday and the high demands of urban life, where people work around the clock and fail to pay attention to their basic needs of life. In order to cope with stress, most people take…

Welcome to Fitness Friday and the high demands of urban life, where people work around the clock and fail to pay attention to their basic needs of life. In order to cope with stress, most people take to substance use such as coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, creating lifestyle issues such as early burnouts, cardiovascular diseases, repeated stress injuries, urinary, reproductive and digestive problems. We need some kind of stress management.

And it’s not just the body that is affected by stress. Family and relationships suffer too. Today deep psychological issues are becoming very common. Does any of this sound familiar?

This article focuses on lifestyle stress and stress management. Lifestyle stress is a situation where our mind and body believes that it has to be in the state of alert all the time. It recognizes stress as a normal situation. This results in alteration in attention, thought processes and structures (organs of our body) resulting in various health and psychological conditions.

Everyone is striving to live longer, however the quality of life has diminished because we are not taking care of ourselves. We work so hard for our future, careers and families, but then we miss the most important step — working on ourselves. What good is all that money when you’re 60, paying health care bills and don’t have quality of life because of your physical health?

There’s a special drug out on the market today that’s been around for many years that can help cure these symptoms, yet almost everyone is forgetting to take their daily pill. This is one of the most simple, effective prescriptions that we can stick to and it could save you lots of money. It’s called exercise.

Why not take an extra hour during the day to work on your body so you can enjoy a healthy life, save money on health care and actually live well into your 90s? It’s time to start re-prioritising!

Exercising can leave you breathing easier, as it delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. It benefits your entire cardiovascular system, which means the more your heart and lungs work efficiently, the more energy you’ll have to do the things you love best. It’s that simple.

Remember health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Eating right, exercising, and sleeping well, each play an equal role in the prevention of infections and diseases. A good sense of self, a loving supportive network and the potential for continued personal growth is also important to our overall well-being.

Many of us are not in control of the factors that cause us to become ill, whether they’re genetic, environmental, or something else entirely. But we can reduce the chances of ill health and improve our lives by starting to eat smart* and exercising regularly.

No idea how to start? Shakespeare Court Fitness Club offers you an atmosphere where great network support is possible, with a fantastic opportunity to socialise. The Shakespeare Court Fitness Club runs some simple to follow exercise routines that you can do at home in your bedroom or hotel room if you are constantly travelling. By simply following these workout routines and sticking to a 20–30 minute program, you can easily help to get your body feeling great.

This article was submitted by Shakespeare Court. For more details, visit the Shakespeare Court fitness club.

If you missed previous Fitness Friday blogs, you can view them all here.*read last week’s Fitness Friday blog for more on eating smart