We are the change we seek

Sara Drawwater
19 March 2011
This year African has seen a revolution for political change that has shaken countries in the Northern and Western region Africa. Its implications have trickled down to all parts of the continent.

This year African has seen a revolution for political change that has shaken countries in the Northern and Western region Africa. Its implications have trickled down to all parts of the continent.

As a continent we have all been glued to our television screens and radio sets as we listened to the moving events from Ivory Coast, to Egypt, to Tunisia and most recently, Libya. The situations may be different but the agenda has been the same, the cry for a fair political system, a revolution for change.

Fortunately for Zambia, a system of free and fair elections has been put in place where we as citizens can express our political preferences peacefully. This year Zambia goes to the polls in the 2011 tripartite presidential and parliamentary elections.

It can never be overstated that each and every vote counts. There is no longer any excuse to sit back and do nothing but complain loudly about bad governance, each person that is eligible to vote can make a difference. If you are a Zambian in possession of a green national registration card and are 18 years old and above by the 31st of July 2011, then you are eligible to vote. All you need is a voter’s card.

If you did not register as a voter during the mobile voter registration, you can still register as a voter at your district, city or municipal council wherever you are in Zambia. Those who have lost their voters card and want a replacement can also register after acquiring a free police report from any police station.

Each and every one of us can make a change and let our voices be heard through the power of our vote. Together we can put leaders into power that can take the nation forward. In the words of the United states President Barrack Obama, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change we seek.”

For more information, visit www.registertovotezambia.org and like them on Facebook.

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