Your favourite blog!

Sara Drawwater
18 September 2014
The Best of Zambia has been blogging on its current platform since July 2010. Wanting to know which is your favourite blog, we recently checked out our most popular blogs as chosen by you! Here are…

The Best of Zambia has been blogging on its current platform since July 2010. Wanting to know which is your favourite blog, we recently checked out our most popular blogs as chosen by you! Here are the results (in reverse order):

10. With 1,686 views: The Mopane worm — A popular African delicacy9. With 2,073 views: Zambia Fashion Week 2013 in pictures8. With 2,532 views: Tips on importing used cars from Japan to Zambia7. With 2,633 views: Monica Musonda, successful Zambian entrepreneur and leader6. With 3,541 views: The Ngoni people of Zambia and the Nc’wala traditional ceremony that celebrates first fruits5. With 3,715 views: Zambia and Zimbabwe to host 20th UNWTO General Assembly in 20134. With 3,832 views: A new and easy way to find jobs in Zambia3. With 4,135 views: Zambia construction companies — a go to guide2. With 6,000 views: Schools in Zambia1. And the winner — your favourite blog — with a massive 9,950 views: JETS — Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists, Lusaka provincial fair !! … and we had 100 comments on this blog. Great to see such a high level of interest in the JETS programme. Congratulations to the organisers of JETS :)

Editor’s note: The JETS initiative is a Government-run programme that aims to develop the ability of students in secondary school to create innovative solutions through technologies. The JETS initiative runs simple yet very effective school clubs nationwide, as well as various local and national fairs on an annual basis.