Zambian agriculture — the annual Agritech event — 14–16 April

Sara Drawwater
8 April 2016
Agritech Expo Zambia is a leading event for the Zambian agriculture sector. It is a business-to-business platform for agricultural professionals, from small scale farmers to commercial enterprises,…

Agritech Expo Zambia is a leading event for the Zambian agriculture sector. It is a business-to-business platform for agricultural professionals, from small scale farmers to commercial enterprises, to engage and conduct business with some of the world’s leading suppliers to the agricultural industry. From live crop trials and machinery demonstrations, to technical and practical workshops for emerging farmers and VIP business lounges for commercial players, Agritech Expo is simply the only business event servicing the needs of the entire agri-value chain in Zambia and its neighbouring countries. It is proving to be an important annual event for Zambian agriculture.

Some 15 000 farming professionals from the Zambian agriculture sector, from emerging, to small holder, to commercial farmers, to agri experts, along with 130 exhibitors, are expected at the third annual Agritech Expo Zambia, which is owned by the Zambia National Farmers Union.

Zambian agriculture event — programme timetable

Zambian agriculture event — programme highlights

What people in the Zambian agriculture sector are saying about Agritech and agriculture in Zambia

“Look out for our new Energy Park designed to offer you innovation and cleaner energy solutions to help you wipe away your electricity outage blues and the ever increasing costs of energy. Our extended Livestock Zone is another must-see area, as you definitely need the right stock genetics and technologies to survive climate change-induced vagaries of weather.” — Dr Evelyn Nguleka, Zambia National Farmers Union President

“It is an over-worn cliché to say that Zambia will one day become the ‘bread basket’ of the region but there is no doubt that, despite of current challenges, the future of Zambia’s farmers, both small and large scale, as suppliers of food products to the region and as drivers of Zambian economic growth is very positive.” — Rob Munro, Director of Strategy at Musika

“The commercial farming in Zambia will generate enough surplus food to export to Zambia’s neighbours. By starting to commercialise the agricultural land you increase food security, prevent mass migration out of the country into the city and create businesses that add value at a local level to reduce poverty.” — Martin Botzian, Head of Communication at DLG International GmbH

“Zambia is struggling with a number of difficult macroeconomic challenges at the moment, a power shortage and a drought, all of which affect the farming economy as much as, if not more than, the rest of the business sector. But while the short term picture is quite tough for Zambian agriculture, there is certainly good news at the ‘big picture’ level — Zambia still has plenty of land and water, a stable political environment and a highly resilient, resourceful and diverse farming community. In an age where food is in ever increasing demand locally, regionally and globally, Zambia is in a good position to take full advantage of its agricultural assets in the future.” — Rob Munro, Director of Strategy at Musika

“Zambia is endowed with a large land resource base of over 40 million hectares of arable land and the country is abundant with water resources having 40 per cent of the water in Central and Southern Africa. This means Zambia has unimaginable opportunities for food production to feed the entire sub-Saharan region!” — Michael Bentley, Dealer Principal, Action Auto

“Agritech Zambia 2015 presented Buhler with an opportunity to strengthen our footprint in Zambia and create awareness of the Buhler brand. We had the opportunity to show case another Buhler innovation, the Isigayo 2t/hr maize will, with great success and many interested customers. Thank you to the Agritech team for making this event possible” — Buhler Group

“Extremely well organised by a Cape Town company and managed on site with its own people. I saw no qualitative difference with Harrogate’s Yorkshire Show that is a benchmark event. The purpose was to make contact with potential distributors and an employee, both were achieved. As an indicator of the show’s reputation, Zambia’s President, former Vice President and Minister of Agriculture made lengthy visits.” — Capstone

“Agriculture is the future of Zambia. We have depended on the extractive industries over the last 50 years. I usually ask the question: Will copper see us through another 50 years? My categorical answer is NO. Copper has brought us where we are but the only sector that assuredly alleviates poverty is agriculture. Our focus is to grow this industry that is the future of this country.” — Honourable Given Lubinda, Zambian Minister of Agriculture and Livestock

Register for this important Zambian agriculture event — the 2016 Agritech Expo