Zambian born film producer seeks your support

Sara Drawwater
2 June 2011
Wandie is a Zambian film producer working on a huge project. Together with Director Ben Cresciman, Wandie is producing her first feature film, titled Negative Space! “Negative Space is an intimate…

Wandie is a Zambian film producer working on a huge project. Together with Director Ben Cresciman, Wandie is producing her first feature film, titled Negative Space! “Negative Space is an intimate and personal film, an improvisational drama about the difficult ins and outs of family relationships, where emotional stakes are often at their highest.”

Wandie has been lucky enough to find support and a great team. But right now they are working on raising the final $10,000 to make sure that they can start filming in July. They have about $8,500 left to raise and 22 days to go! They would really appreciate the help of people all over the world who can support them in any way. Any amount will help! And, if you could help spread the word that would be fantastic!

Find out more about the Negative Space film here. There is a link for donations from within and outside of the United States in the donate tab or make a Paypal payment directly. If you have any questions please email Wandie at

About Wandie

Wandie Kabule (pictured) was born in Lusaka 23 years ago to Zambian parents. They lived in Zambia and then in Cameroon for a short time. Wandie was always fascinated with travel and with people. This evolved into a love of film and writing. When Wandie was about five years old, they moved from Zambia to Los Angeles, California. It was a huge change, as you can imagine. They visited Zambia two years later, but wouldn’t be back to again for another 13 years. Wandie still considers Zambia to be a place that is near and dear to her heart. She grew up with her parents speaking Bemba around the house, and couldn’t understand a word of it! Wandie now travels to Africa every year, if she can. So readers, can you help Wandie achieve her goal of raising $8,500 in the next 22 days? That is only 425 $20 donations!

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