Touchdown Forte Hi Tech Herbicide 20litre [Copy]

A soluble concentrate non-selective foliar, systemic herbicide with a wetting agent for use in glyphosate-tolerant crops and the control of a wide range of annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds, certain woody perennials and industrial weed control.
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1. Waiting period:

  • Do not transplant seedlings within 7 - 10 days after the last TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH application.
  • The germination and growth of small-seeded crops e.g. onions can be reduced significantly up to 8 weeks after application on soils with shallow clay content (< 10 %
  • clay).

2. Withholding periods: (Minimum number of days between last application and harvest).

  • Maize - grazing ............... 28 days
  • Greenmealies .........…….. 42 days

3. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled.

4. Avoid contact with skin or eyes since the product is an eye irritant and may cause skin sensitization.

5. Store away from food, feed, fertilisers and other chemicals.

6. Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.

7. Flammable. Keep away from heat and flames.

8. Re-entry: Do not enter the treated area until the spray deposit has dried unless wearing protective clothing

9. Transgenic and conventional crops:

  • Care should be taken to reduce drift of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH to an absolute minimum. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can cause serious damage to adjacent crops. This is especially important when TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH is used on glyphosate-tolerant crops with conventional crops adjacent or even in the vicinity.

10. Aerial application: (only on aquatic and invader plants)

  • a) Notify all inhabitants near the area to be sprayed and issue the necessary warnings.
  • b) Do not spray over or allow accidental drift to unnecessary contaminate water or adjacent areas.
  • c) However, aerial application is only recommended for the control of aquatic and invader weeds despite them growing in water bodies.
  • d) Glyphosate is a highly active herbicide that is very small quantities can cause serious damage to crop seedlings and deciduous fruit trees and grapevines during the budding and early season growth stages. Under the following conditions it can cause serious damage as far as 3 to 5 kilometres from the nearest flight path of the aircraft:
  • cloudy weather
  • relative humidity above 80% and
  • low air movement of less than 5 km per hour.
  • Where such conditions prevail aerial application should not be carried out where crop seedlings or deciduous fruit and grapevines in budding or early development stages are present within 5 kilometres of the nearest flight path of the aircraft.


  • 1. Do not eat drink or smoke whilst handling this product.
  • 2. Prevent contamination of food, feed, drinking water and eating utensils.
  • 3. Wear rubber gloves and face shield when handling the concentrate. If you get it in your eyes, flush it out at once. If you get it on your skin, wash it off at once. If you spill it on your clothes, change and wash them.
  • 4. Invert the empty container over the spray or mixing tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds after the flow has slowed down to a drip. Thereafter rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the container. Add the rinsings to the contents of the spray tank before destroying the container.
  • 5. While spraying, avoid contact with the spray as much as you can. Avoid spray drift onto other crops, grazing, rivers or dams.
  • 6. Clean applicator thoroughly after use and dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing, rivers or dams. Destroy empty container and do not use for any other purpose.
  • 7. Change and wash your work clothes. Have a bath.

Directions for use:

  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH should only be applied to actively growing weeds that are not dormant or under temperature, moisture or any other stress. Rain or irrigation a few days before a TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH application ensures that weeds are actively growing, resulting in optimum efficacy. Weeds growing during a stress period might seem small, however, it could have completed its biological growth phase and should therefore be treated as a mature weed when selecting dosage rates. The same applies to plants that have been grazed, cut, burned of even sprayed once with TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH or any other herbicide.
  • Use only clean water with no suspended soil particles in the spray mixture.
  • Always ensure that spray equipment is clean, free from all sediments, rust or dust and correctly calibrated before spraying.
  • Use a low spray pressure (100 - 200 kPa) and the correct nozzles to avoid spray drift.
  • Ensure even coverage of all weeds under application and apply to incipient runoff.
  • When using TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH for chemical seedbed preparation for transplanted tomatoes, tobacco or any transplanted crop with green, soft stems, allow a minimum of 14 days between application and transplanting of seedlings.
  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH is actively absorbed through immature bark and leaves of most plants and trees. Contact with immature bark, such as in trees younger than three years, can result in serious localised or translocated damage. Therefore contact with leaves, green or immature bark and fruit of desired plants, whether direct or by spray drift, must be avoided. Always make sure that only undesired plants are treated. Do not spray onto pruned vines or fruit trees until wounds have sealed properly.
  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH is a non-selective systemic herbicide and is only active when applied to the foliage and green bark of plants. The visible effect of TOUCHDOWN Forte
  • HITECH on treated foliage usually appears at 7 - 10 days after treatment but may vary according to weather conditions.
  • Rain or irrigation within 3 hours of application can reduce the efficacy of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH.
  • Do not spray on weed foliage covered with a layer of dust. In these situations apply after recent rain.
  • Do not apply TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH to weeds that are covered with dew, or in a dormant growth phase or under stress conditions e.g. moisture, heat or cold stress.
  • Do not apply TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH when the atmospheric conditions are less favourable e.g. the humidity is less than 40% or the wind speed are more than 10 km/h.
  • Pesticide run-off onto TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECHtreated weeds under trees in orchards can adversely affect the herbicide’s activity. Do NOT spray other pesticides within
  • hours of a TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH application. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH has no pre-emergence activity, therefore repeat applications are necessary (when applied on its own) to control weeds germinating from seed. Ensure that target weeds are fully exposed to the TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH spray.
  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be applied on glyphosate-tolerant cotton, soybean and maize plants. Any individual plants that do not contain the glyphosate-tolerant gene would die when sprayed with glyphosate-based products e.g. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH.
  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH will not control volunteer glyphosate-tolerant crops. Inconsistent and variable control of weeds even at high rates may be experienced due to several reasons namely
  • a) drought stress
  • b) cold or heat stress
  • c) plants with waxy layers e.g. Portulaca oleracea, Chenopodium album, Gisekia pharnaceoides,
  • d) natural resistance to glyphosate-based products e.g. Commelina benghalensis, Ipomoea spp. and Conyza bonariensis,
  • e) acquired resistance due to the repeated use of glyphosate e.g. Lolium spp. and Conyza bonariensis (confirmed resistance in the RSA),
  • f) poor coverage and penetration of exposed leaves e.g. Argemone subfusiformis,
  • g) plants with bulbs and tubers e.g. Cyperus spp.,
  • h) inconsistent relationship between above soil parts and below soil parts e.g. Conyza bonariensis after dry periods or growth during the winter.
  • i) poor water quality.


  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH is compatible with Callisto(L6795), Dual Gold (L5749), Metagan Gold (L5748), Gardoprim Plus Gold (L7736), Karate (L3752), Karate Zeon (L6330), tebuthiuron and diuron. Consult the various labels for dosage rates, warnings and precautions.


  • a.) The addition of 0,5 - 2,0% ammonium sulphate in tank mixtures will enhance the efficacy of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH when using poor quality water or water of unknown quality. For optimal weed control, ammonium sulphate should be used at al times.
  • b.) TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH may not be mixed or used with any other adjuvant other than ammonium sulphate. The use of other adjuvants could lead to reductions in activity for which the registration holder would not accept any responsibility.


TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH is not compatible with any atrazine containing product and should not be tank-mixed with any such products. Such mixtures would result in poor control of weeds. Spraying equipment:

  • All spray equipment must be properly calibrated and fitted with nozzles that deliver the correct volume of spray mixture TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH / 2 to reach the spray target whilst covering the target evenly with droplets.
  • The following equipment and corresponding volumes spray mixture/ha is suitable for TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH applications:
  • a. Tractor boom sprayers: 100 - 300 l/ha
  • b. Knapsack sprayers: 100 - 300 l/ha
  • c. Aerial (only aquatic and invader plant control): 30 - 40 l/ha
  • The % solution spray recommendations refer to a solution made up of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH in 100 l water e.g. 2 % solution = 2 l TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH in 100l water.
  • NOTE: When spraying with such a solution, the minimum application rate is 200 l spray mixture/ha.

Mixing instructions:

  • If ammonium sulphate is required, it should be added to the spray water first. Agitate the water until the ammonium sulphate is dissolved. Then add the required quantity of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH. Ensure thorough agitation whilst mixing the spray mixture. Agitation must be continuous before and during spraying.
  • When using tank mixes with residual herbicides in glyphosate-tolerant crops, mix the EC formulations first into the water, then the SC formulations and only then the TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH whilst continuous agitation is taking place.

Clean-up procedure

  • To avoid subsequent injury to crops, clean application equipment and protective equipment thoroughly immediately after spraying by thoroughly flushing with water.


  • Always ensure that spray equipment is clean and free of rust and dust. Remove sediments e.g. residues of wettable powder pesticides, from spray tanks before use. Always use clean water. Avoid the use of brack or muddy water, or water with a high colloidal content derived from soils high in organic matter. Correctly calibrate all sprayers under field conditions before application. It is not necessary to spray to the point of run-off, but essential to ensure complete coverage of the target weed. Even application is essential for good results.

Ground application:

  • TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be applied with conventional ground equipment (tractor mounted booms, knapsack, etc). Optimum spray deposits are obtained with ground equipment calibrated to spray 100 - 300 l/ha with suitable nozzles to ensure adequate coverage. Where drift is a problem do not exceed 2 bar. Use only the pressures recommended for specific nozzles to avoid drift.

Aerial application: (only aquatic and invader plant control)

  • Aerial application of this product may only be done by a registered aerial application operator using a correctly calibrated, registered aircraft according to the instructions of SANS 10118 (Aerial Application of Agricultural Remedies). It is important to ensure that the spray mixture is distributed evenly over the target area and that the loss of spray material during application is restricted to a minimum. It is therefore essential that the following criteria are met:

a) Application parameters:

  • Volume: A volume of 30 l/ha is recommended. As this product has not been evaluated at a reduced volume rate, the registration holder cannot guarantee efficacy or be held responsible for any adverse effects if the product is applied aerially at a lower volume rate than recommended above.
  • Droplet coverage: A droplet coverage of 30 - 45 droplets
    per cm2 must be recovered at the target.
  • Droplet size: A droplet spectrum with a VMD of 300 - 350 microns is recommended. Ensure that the production of fine droplets (less than 150 microns - high drift & evaporation potential) is restricted to a minimum. Flying height: The height of the spray boom should be maintained at 3 - 4 meters above the target. Do not spray when aircraft is in a climb, at the top or during a dive, or when banking.

b) Equipment:

Use suitable atomising equipment that will produce the desired droplet size and coverage but which will ensure the minimum loss of product either through endodrift (within the target field) or exodrift (outside target field). The operator must use a setup that will produce a droplet spectrum with the lowest possible relative span.

All nozzles/atomisers should be positioned within the inner 60% to 75% of the wingspan to prevent droplets from entering the wingtip vortices.

c) Meteorological conditions:

The difference in temperature between the wet and dry bulb thermometers, of a whirling hygrometer, should not exceed 8°C. The addition of a suitable anti-evaporant is recommended if the VMD of the droplets is less than 200 - 250 microns. Do not spray when the relative humidity is less than 40 %.

Stop spraying if the wind speed exceeds 10 km/h.

Aerial application with this product must not be done under turbulent, unstable conditions during the heat of the day when rising thermals and downdraughts occur. Also, note that the application of this product under temperature inversion conditions (spraying in or above the inversion layer) may lead to the following:

  • Reduced efficacy due to suspension and evaporation of small droplets in the air (inadequate coverage)
  • Damage to other sensitive crops and or non-target areas through the movement of the suspended spray cloud away from the target field.

d) General

Do not spray plants covered with a thick layer of dust.

Obtain assurance from the aerial spray operator that the above specifications will be met.

Application rates:

TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH will control most emerged annual weeds germinating from seed in situations such as fallow land, preplant of crops, reduced or conservation tillage, perennial vine and tree crops and industrial areas.

Apply the TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH dosage rate according to the weed growth stage - the higher dosage rates within the range should be used when the weeds are older and more established in the specific growth stage. The dosage rates under industrial weed control apply to that sector only.


  • 1. Care should be taken of the general warnings and use directions on this label as it also applies to glyphosate-tolerant crops.
  • 2. The weed spectrum in cotton, soybean and maize fields can differ due to the following variables e.g. region, moisture and light as well as soil type resulting in a weed population with different weeds and several different growth stages. The table above indicates rates that should control most weed populations within the size parameters set in the tables on this label. For other weeds, refer to the other tables on this label. Other provisions on this label should be adhered to e.g. relating to growth stages
  • 3. Applications should be made very early in the growth stage of the weeds but before the 6 leaf stage of the weeds. In this case, only one application of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH would be necessary to control an existing population. This would also minimize weed competition is very critical stages of the cotton, soybeans and maize.
  • 4. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH has no residual weed control and repeated follow on applications could be necessary to control weeds germinating after application. Glyphosate tolerant soybeans:
  • 5. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be applied to glyphosate-tolerant soybeans post-emergent from soon after emergence up to the end of flowering.
  • 6. A minimum of 14 days should be allowed between application and harvesting.
  • 7. Up to 3 applications of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH could be made on glyphoglyphosate-tolerant state tolerant soybeans without any damage to the crop. Do not spray more than 7,2 l/ha (3600 g ae/ha) cumulatively in one particular season.
  • 8. The use of residual herbicides would be recommended at all times as soybeans do not tolerate any weed competition. METAGAN GOLD or BATELEUR GOLD (L6136) should be used at planting and TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH should only be used later in the season to control new flushes of weeds. METAGAN GOLD can be applied in combination with TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH to provide residual grass control.

Glyphosate tolerant maize:

  • 9. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH may be applied post-emergence in glyphosate-tolerant maize (e.g. Roundup Ready®, Agrisure® GT) for the control of the weeds listed.
  • 10. On glyphosate-tolerant maize, TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can only be applied from soon after emergence up to the V8 leaf stage of the maize. This stage is reached when the first plants in the field have 8 leaves with closed collars around the main stem. (The actual number of leaves maybe more).
  • 11. Do not make broadcast applications if mechanical crop damage due to the passing of the sprayer will or has occurred or if hail damage has occurred.
  • 12. Where sequential applications are necessary to control specific weed species (e.g. Cyperus esculentus), the second application should not occur within 10 days of the first application to allow the weeds to become active growing again.
  • 13. If the maize is beyond the V8 stage, a directed application must be done.
  • 14. Care must be taken not to spray the reproductive parts of the maize plant.
  • 15. On glyphosate-tolerant maize up to 2 applications of up to 2,2 l/ha at a time can be made without any damage to the crop. Do not spray more than 4,4 l/ha (2160 g ae/ha) cumulatively in one particular season.
  • 16. The use of residual herbicides would be recommended at all times as maize does not tolerate any weed competition. CALLISTO, DUAL GOLD or PRIMAGRAM GOLD (L7308) should be used at planting.
  • 17. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH must only be used later in the season after the initial application of residual herbicides at planting to control new flushes of weeds or difficult to control weeds.
  • 18. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be applied in tank mixes with CALLISTO and METAGAN GOLD or GARDOPRIM PLUS GOLD to provide residual control.
  • 19. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH may not be applied with atrazine containing products e.g. GESAPRIM 90WG or GESAPRIM SUPER or PRIMAGRAM GOLD or with any adjuvants as on the CALLISTO label. The post-emergence recommendation of CALLISTO in table 6.1.2 on the CALLISTO label should then be changed to replace GESAPRIM 90WG (L4764) or GESAPRIM SUPER (L3914) or PRIMAGRAM GOLD with TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH.
  • 20. No tank mixture with TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH should contain any adjuvant. See the comment “adjuvants” under “Compatibility” in this label. Glyphosate tolerant cotton:
  • 21. The above-recommended TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH rates may be applied in cotton varieties which are designated glyphosate-tolerant cultivars.
  • 22. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be recommended in combination with a pre-emergence application of METAGAN GOLD at rates as recommended on the METAGAN GOLD label.
  • 23. Post-emergence broadcast application - over the top of the cotton plants
  • i. A broadcast application of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can ONLY be applied from the ground cracking stage up to the 4th true leaf stage of the cotton. This growth stage is reached when the first cotton plants in the field have reached the 4 leaf stage.
  • ii. A broadcast application after this time could result in boll loss, delayed maturity or even yield loss.
  • iii. Between the soil cracking stage and the 4-leaf stage of the cotton only 2 or fewer applications of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH may be done.
  • iv. If a second TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH application is needed
  • a. the period between the first and the second application should be at least 10 days.
  • b. the cotton must have grown at least two more leaves since the first application.
  • v. If by this time the cotton is beyond the 4 leaf/node stage a post directed (see below) application will be necessary
  • 24. Post-emergence directed application
  • i. TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be applied as a directed spray between the cotton. This application method is essential if applications are after the 4-leaf stage of the cotton.
  • ii. Equipment such as spray guards should be used to protect the cotton foliage from excessive spray drift. The weeds within the cotton row however should be well covered by the spray for effective control.
  • iii. For best results, make applications while weeds are small (less than 100 mm high). Sequential directed applications must also be at least 10 days apart and two nodes of incremental growth between applications.
  • iv. Only two applications should be made between the fifth leaf to the 15th node stage.
  • 25. Repeated applications of TOUCHDOWN Forte HITECH can be avoided by applying effective pre-emergence residual herbicides e.g. METAGAN GOLD.

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Once you invest in high-quality seed, it is vital that it thrives from the moment of planting to harvesting. To achieve this, you will need quality fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and advanced seed treatments to help protect your investment and produce high-quality crops. The Syngenta team will be happy to work with you at every step of the way, from choosing the most appropriate crop protection product, to helping you with treatments and planting.