The work of Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)

The Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is a non-profit organization that works to promote and protect the interests of businesses in Lusaka, Zambia. The main goal of the LCCI is to create a favorable business environment that supports the growth and development of businesses in Lusaka.

The LCCI offers a range of services to its members, including advocacy, business networking, training and capacity building, and business development services. The organization advocates for policies that support the growth of businesses in Lusaka and works closely with government authorities to ensure that the business environment is conducive to growth and development.

In addition to its advocacy work, the LCCI provides a platform for businesses in Lusaka to connect and network with each other. The organization hosts regular business events, such as seminars, workshops, and conferences, which enable businesses to share best practices, learn about new business opportunities, and forge new business relationships.

The Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry plays an important role in promoting the growth and development of businesses in Lusaka. Through its advocacy, networking, and business development services, the organization supports businesses in navigating the challenges of doing business in Lusaka and helps them to thrive and succeed in the local market.

Plot 8907, Ndeke Hotel, Dundunza Crescent, ,Longacres, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 978 980170, +260 978 980366
The work of Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)
Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) image
The Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) whose theme is ‘The voice of businesses’; is an independent organisation whose mandate is to defend and support the common interests of its members by promoting a business friendly environment. This is achieved through networking businesses and professional people to ameliorate the performance of its members. The chamber movement promotes business growth, advocates for businesses and undertakes lobbying initiatives for its private sector member organisations.