Kasanka National Park
Kasanka National Park
Posted News
9 months ago

Annual bat migration event which takes place every year from October to December.

Kasanka National Park, located in Serenje, Zambia, is home to one of the world's most unique natural spectacles - the annual bat migration. Every year, from October to December, over 10 million fruit bats descend upon the park's swamps and forests, creating a breathtaking display of nature's beauty.

The bats, which are of the species Eidolon helvum, migrate to Kasanka to feast on the abundant fruit trees that grow in the area. They come from all over Africa, traveling hundreds of miles to reach the park. As night falls, the bats take to the skies in search of food, creating a stunning display of swirling black clouds that is truly awe-inspiring to witness.

Visitors to Kasanka National Park during the bat migration season can witness this incredible natural spectacle up close, either by taking a guided tour or by simply watching from one of the park's viewing platforms.

The park also offers a range of other activities, such as game drives, bird watching, and walking safaris, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the beauty and diversity of Africa's wildlife.

Annual bat migration event which takes place every year from October to December.
Kasanka National Park image
Kasanka National Park
Natural resource
Place of interest
Tourist attraction
Kasanka National Park is an ideal destination for travelers seeking a wildlife safari experience in Zambia. The park has many attractions, including abundant wildlife, lush landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, fishing, canoeing or just explore the diverse habitats of this unique ecosystem. Kasanka is also famous for its annual bat migration event which takes place every year from October to December. During this period, millions of straw-colored fruit bats descend upon the park and create a stunning spectacle. This event is considered one of the world’s largest mammals migrations and draws visitors from all around the world. Kasanka also offers a variety of tours and activities for visitors to enjoy, such as forest walks, game drives and boat trips. If you’re looking for a unique wildlife experience, then Kasanka National Park is definitely worth visiting. With its lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife, it’s sure to provide an unforgettable safari experience. So come and visit Kasanka to witness the incredible spectacle of one of nature’s most remarkable migrations, as well as explore the diverse habitats and abundant wildlife of this special park. Kasanka National Park is a natural treasure that offers something for everyone—from birdwatchers to adventure seekers. Along with wildlife viewing, Kasanka is also a great spot for birding enthusiasts. With its rich wetlands and dense forests, the park is full of rare and exotic species, making it ideal for anyone looking to observe some of Zambia's most impressive avian life.