Lukusuzi National Park
Lukusuzi National Park
Posted News
9 months ago

Offers a unique safari experience in a remote and untouched wilderness.

Lukusuzi National Park is a hidden gem in the heart of Zambia that offers a unique safari experience in a remote and untouched wilderness. Located near the town of Mfuwe, the park covers an area of over 3,400 square kilometers. It is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs, and many species of antelope.

What sets Lukusuzi National Park apart from other safari destinations is its remoteness and lack of tourist crowds. The park is not as well-known as other parks in Zambia, which means that visitors can enjoy a more exclusive and authentic safari experience. The park is also relatively untouched by human development, which means that the wildlife is free to roam and behave naturally.

Visitors to Lukusuzi National Park can enjoy a range of safari activities, including game drives, walking safaris, and bird watching. The park is also home to the beautiful Luangwa River, which offers opportunities for river safaris and fishing trips. The park is open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the dry season from June to October when the wildlife congregates around the rivers and waterholes.

Lukusuzi National Park is a hidden gem that offers a unique and authentic safari experience in a remote and untouched wilderness. Visitors can expect to see a diverse range of wildlife and enjoy a range of safari activities in a park that is relatively unknown and unspoiled.

Offers a unique safari experience in a remote and untouched wilderness.
Lukusuzi National Park image
Lukusuzi National Park
Natural resource
Place of interest
Tourist attraction
Lukusuzi National Park is a remote park located on the eastern side of the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. It stands slightly higher in altitude than other parks within the valley, making it an ideal destination for tourists who wish to explore its natural beauty. The Zambian government and private investors are currently working together to develop facilities within the area for visitors, to enable them to enjoy safaris and other activities in the park. In addition, the Zambian government is investing in protection of the area, ensuring that it remains an unspoiled haven both for wildlife and for visitors. With this investment in both development and protection of Lukusuzi National Park, it promises to be an exciting tourist destination for many years to come. The lush green landscape, rich wildlife and activities on offer make it a great option for those looking to explore nature in its most raw, untouched form. Whether you are looking for a relaxing getaway or an action-packed adventure, Lukusuzi National Park has something to offer everyone. Come and experience one of Zambia's most remote parks. With its high altitude location, lush green surroundings and abundance of wildlife, it will undoubtedly be a memorable experience you can cherish for years to come. Sit back, relax and take in the beauty of nature in its most pristine form.