Sentinel Kabitaka School
Sentinel Kabitaka School
Posted News
4 months ago

Educational development in a happy atmosphere

Sentinel School Kabitaka is a place where education meets excellence. The founders of the school have a vision to prepare every student that passes through its doors with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. The school strives to create a culture of lifelong learning, which instills a sense of curiosity and eagerness to learn in its students. With this, the school aims to create a society capable of tackling any challenges that may come its way, one that is enlightened and aware of the world around it.

At Sentinel School Kabitaka, students are not only given an education, but they are also provided with a nurturing and supportive environment. The school values spiritual awareness and promotes a sense of community among its students. The aim is to create a positive impact on its alumni long after they have left the school. Sentinel School Kabitaka is a place where students can grow, learn, and develop into well-rounded individuals, ready to take on the world.

Solwezi Road, Kabitaka Hills, Solwezi, Zambia
+260 969 457853, +260 968 037679
Educational development in a happy atmosphere
Sentinel Kabitaka School image
Sentinel Kabitaka School
Primary school
Secondary school
The vision of the founders of Sentinel School Kabitaka is to empower all who pass through with an education which will open their minds and prepare them for opportunities in life. They strive for a culture of lifelong learning which translates into an enlightened society capable of dealing with whatever challenges that may come its way. The school is a spiritually aware and a supportive environment which has been established to have an impact on its alumni long after they have moved on.